Ground for peace: Land restoration for international peace and security (UNCCD, 2024)
For more than three billion people, land is core to their survival, wellbeing, and dignity. However, with between…

No Escape – On the frontlines of climate change, conflict and forced displacement (UNHCR, 2024)
The report details how disasters and other adverse effects of climate change are exacerbating existing challenges faced by…

Climate Change, Conflict and (In)Security (2023)
The volume examines how climate change is creating and exacerbating insecurities for millions of people globally, and how…

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary (2023)
This executive summary of the forthcoming African Climate Security Risk Assessment summarises insights on climate change, peace, and…

Climate Security and Peacebuilding – Thematic Review (United Nations University, 2023)
The 2023 Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding, commissioned by PBSO in partnership with FAO, UNICEF, Climate…

The impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine on climate security and climate action Independent Experts’ Analysis (Chatham House, 2023)
The war in Ukraine is increasing vulnerability to climate change around the world and complicating collective efforts to…

Moving from Reaction to Action – Anticipating Vulnerability Hotspots in the Sahel (United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel, 2022)
This report explores climate change, food security, conflict and migration and displacement in the Sahel, providing predictions of…

The White Paper on the Future of Environmental Peacebuilding (2022)
The White Paper on the Future of Environmental Peacebuilding delivers a strong, cogent message about the relevance, evidence,…

Peace Operations and the Challenges of Environmental Degradation and Resource Scarcity (SIPRI, 2021)
This paper investigates the non-traditional security challenges that environmental degradation and resource scarcity pose to multilateral peace operations,…